豪華家庭房 Deluxe Family

靜謐舒適的湖畔木屋 遠從美國進口原木建造而成的木屋別墅,寬大的空間只隔出10個房間來,刻意營造的就是如同第二個家般的溫馨感,推窗而望,不是美麗的庭園就是水波潾潾的日月潭,晨昏時刻,坐在面湖的陽台中,可聽到蟲鳴蛙叫,或可看到蝴蝶野鳥飛過,猶如人間天堂的最佳寫照。
※ 房間設備:電視機.冰箱.梳妝台
※ 盥洗用具:牙刷.牙膏.毛巾.浴巾.洗髮精.沐浴乳.香皂.吹風機.湖景房備有液晶電視
※ 進房時間/下午03:00
※ 退房時間/上午11:00
Full House Resort was built with logs imported far from America. It has ten spacious rooms that create the warm atmosphere of a second home away from home. Opening the windows, you can see either a beautiful court yard or the ripple on the surface of Sun Moon Lake. Sitting on the balcony facing the lake in the early morning or late evening, you can hear the buzzing of insects and the croaking of frogs. You can also watch butterflies or wild birds flying over your head. It’s a best portrayal of paradise.
Each room, whether facing the lake or the mountains, has an independent balcony. Travellers can enjoy a tranquil leisured life staying in the spacious cozy rooms adorned with European- style teak furniture and Southeast Asian wooden art.
Reservation for the accommodation is highly recommended. -
豪華家庭房 Lakeview Rooms
Guest accommodations定價
Holidays (Sat.)非周六
Non-holidays4人 6,600 5,200 4,200 2人 6,600 4,200 3,200
標準家庭房 Standard Rooms人數
Guest accommodations定價
Holidays (Sat.)非周六
Non-holidays4人 5,800 4,200 3,200 2人 5,800 3,200 2,200
樓中樓六人房 Dorm room (6 persons)人數
Guest accommodations定價
Holidays (Sat.)非周六
Non-holidays6人 7,800 7,800 5,500
溫馨房 (二館,距本館約80公尺)人數
Guest accommodations定價
Holidays (Sat.)非周六
Non-holidays4人 3,000 2,800 2,200
※ 上述價格僅供參考.若有異動.請以現場價格為準。
Note: The tariff is for reference only. Please refer to our current price if tariff is changed.
※ 房間型式皆為四人房形式,但可做二人房使用。
Note: All rooms can accommodate four people, but can be used as standard twin. -
※ 房間設備:電視機.冰箱.梳妝台
※ 盥洗用具:牙刷.牙膏.毛巾.浴巾.洗髮精.沐浴乳.香皂.吹風機.湖景房備有液晶電視
※ 進房時間/下午03:00
※ 退房時間/上午11:00